Sunday 3 March 2013

5 Statements. Personal & Proffessional

5 Statements about me as an individual:

1. It's my therapy, I really enjoy making a cup of tea, maybe more than drinking it. I'd like to think of it as alchemy, especially seeing how milk reacts in different teas. It's small things like that I take interest in. But if I was to choose a particular type I'd say Earl Grey is one of my favorites.

My small collection of tea.
'While there is tea, there is hope.'
Sir Arthur Pinero

2. I really enjoy walking, I do. I like to have my camera handy to get a photo of everything I can. I'd like to explore Leeds but I don't know If i'd feel safe leaving the inner city parts. I don't feel as home here as I do walking when I have fields around me. 

Photo I got in the early morning last year.

3. I couldn't really survive without my films, my media course during GCSE gave me a little insight into all the detailing of films and TV shows, what goes into them. It gave me an appreciation and that over the past 3 years has developed. Notably, Wes Anderson and Stanley Kubrick been my two particular favorites at the moment.

One part of my DVD collection in my flat.
'I don't want to live in a hole anymore, and I'm going to do something about it.'

4. I personally attempt to be as open minded as possible to most situations, I do hold strong opinions on certain topics but I do sway with where the evidence points too. I think this works well in my favour when it comes to my practice as I think It really helps that I don't hold my heart on my sleeve especially in crits where I can develop my work with the opinions of others.

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world.
 Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” 

5. I really like dogs, especially Labradors. I don't really know what more to say about them, they just have great qualities to them that you can't find in a cat.

My Labrador Molly.

5 Statements about my practice:

1.  I like to challenge my self with something different, I don't do something in the same way twice, I like to try different methods and I think this really effects my outcomes. It was interesting as well as Alex said my work was nothing alike each time I designed. I notice I have similar choices but the look is often different.

UX/iOS/UI iPhone idea

2.  I take alot of inspiration from Russian Constructivism, I feel like the work will be ever relevant, it was straight to the point and this idea is how I aim to work. Clear cut messages that are simple to follow and no-nonsense, yet have purpose in it's ulterior motive.

 Workers, Everyone must vote in the Election of Soviets!

3.  Inside I really want to make everything incredibly colourful and illustrative but I have to channel that through words instead and I often find that hardest part and the bit I spend most time over, because I want to be a designer and not a illustrator even though the two and co-exist.

Jon Burgerman 

"Because I Can't Sit Still" 

Exhibition Piece ( 2008 )

4. I think children s books are great pieces of design and art, they inspired me when I was younger and they still do today when I have a look through, I've always wanted to create one for the pleasure of it, knowing It'd possibly inspire some other kid and look back on it maybe as fondly as some did Eric Carle's 'The Very hungry Caterpillar.'

5. I work best digitally, but i also like to combine together work that isn't a such. I do like the look of digital work but most often it looks a bit too much like Uncanny valley in fake human looking things. The point where it looks a bit weird been so clean is what I don't really like. I try to avoid this as much as I can.

Never. Stop. Learning.- Mike Rogers, Print.

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